Eileen Demet

RYT-200, NASM Personal Trainer, MovNat Certified

Eileen’s yoga practice began in her freshman year at Marquette when she was looking for a way to calm her mind and still challenge herself physically after she stopped gymnastics. Eileen has been a gymnastics coach since 2010 and since then has received her NASM personal training certification, MovNat certification, 200 Yoga Teacher Training under Anna Argeropoulos, and a straddle press handstand training. Currently you can find Eileen teaching different movement classes and coaching children’s gymnastics. Her yoga classes focus on creative sequencing as well as helping students find their own creative edge — you can expect a class for all levels with always the option to get upside down! When she isn’t teaching you can find Eileen traveling all over, on the water, or at a concert.

Practice with Eileen

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